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本日の開示情報 (24/09/07 01:03現在)

時刻 コード 企業名 開示タイトル
18:30 4063 信越化学工業(株) Corporate Governance Report 20201218
18:15 8951 日本ビルファンド投資法人 Notice Concerning Leasing to Tenants (New Lease)
18:00 4385 (株)メルカリ (Correction) Notice Regarding Partial Revision of “Notice Regarding Establishment of Subsidiary and Launch of New Business”
17:00 6586 (株)マキタ Notice on Establishment of Nomination and Compensation Committee and Transition to a Company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee
17:00 3910 (株)エムケイシステム Presentation Materials for the Earnings Briefing for the First Half of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2021
16:30 8601 (株)大和証券グループ本社 Daiwa Securities (China) Co., Ltd. Completed Business Registration
16:30 7575 日本ライフライン(株) Notice on Changes in Personnel
16:00 3493 伊藤忠アドバンス・ロジスティクス投資法人 投資証券 Notice Concerning Determination of the Number of New Investment Units to be Issued through the Third-party Allotment
16:00 7779 CYBERDYNE(株) Medical HAL obtains medical device approval from the regulator of Singapore
16:00 9281 タカラレーベン・インフラ投資法人 Notice regarding the Determination of Number of New Investment Units to be Issued through Third Party Allotment
16:00 8715 アニコム ホールディングス(株) Notice of the status of our activities, November 2020
16:00 9201 日本航空(株) Notice on Determination of Number of New Shares to be Issued by Way of Third-Party Allotment
15:40 4390 (株)アイ・ピー・エス Notice Concerning Approval of Listed Market Change to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
15:00 2337 いちご(株) Ichigo Receives Tokyo Metropolitan Government Sports Promotion Company Certification for Fourth Year in a Row
15:00 2337 いちご(株) Special Edition of VLADLOVE Episode 1 Released Today on VLADLOVE's Official YouTube Channel!
15:00 2979 SOSiLA物流 SLR Announces Obtainment of BELS Certification and CASBEE for Real Estate Certification
15:00 8984 大和ハウスリート投資法人 Notice Concerning Issuance of Investment Corporation Bonds
15:00 8984 大和ハウスリート投資法人 Notice Concerning Revision to Forecast of Results for the Fiscal Periods Ending February 28, 2021 and August 31, 2021
15:00 8984 大和ハウスリート投資法人 Notice Concerning Disposition of Domestic Real Estate and Trust Beneficiary Interest in Real Estate
15:00 8984 大和ハウスリート投資法人 Supplementary Material for Sale of Properties and Distribution Forecast
15:00 7733 オリンパス(株) Implementation of the Career Support for External Opportunity
15:00 3290 Oneリート投資法人 [Delayed] Notice concerning Obtainment of Preferential Negotiation Rights for Acquisition of a Property (Hakozaki 314 Building)
15:00 3290 Oneリート投資法人 [Delayed] Notice concerning Completion of Acquisition of Asset (Silent Partnership Equity Interest) (ONE Bridge Fund S GK)
15:00 3290 Oneリート投資法人 [Delayed] Notice concerning Acquisition of Asset and Partial Amendments to Description of Preferential Negotiation Rights
15:00 2678 アスクル(株) 【Delayed】Revision of Full-Year Earnings Forecast
15:00 2678 アスクル(株) 【Delayed】Notice Regarding Changes to Responsible Units of Executive Officers
15:00 3092 ZOZO Notice concerning relocation of head office
13:30 2749 (株)JPホールディングス [Delayed]Presentation Material of Financial Results for the 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year ending March 2021
13:30 6460 セガサミーホールディングス(株) Notice of Transfer of Non-current Assets at Our Consolidated Subsidiary and Recording of Extraordinary Income
10:00 9007 小田急電鉄(株) (November)Monthly Report of Operations (preliminary figures)
10:00 8038 東都水産(株) [Delayed]Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30,2020
10:00 8979 スターツプロシード投資法人 [Delayed]Financial Results Briefing 30th Fiscal Period
08:30 6502 (株)東芝 (Update) Counting of voting rights exercised at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for the 181st Fiscal Period
08:30 6502 (株)東芝 Notice Concerning a Shareholder Demand to Call an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
00:30 1893 五洋建設(株) Annual Report 2020