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本日の開示情報 (24/09/08 09:48現在)

時刻 コード 企業名 開示タイトル
19:30 5074 テスホールディングス [Delayed]Financial Results Meeting Materials for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2023
18:00 4985 アース製薬(株) [Delayed]Earnings Briefing Materials for the Fiscal Year Ended December 2023 and the New Mid-term Business Plan
17:30 6282 オイレス工業(株) [Delayed]Notice Concerning Changes of Representative Directors, Directors, Operating Officer and Personnel
17:30 2503 キリンホールディングス(株) Independent Officers Notification
17:00 3249 産業ファンド投資法人 Notice Concerning the Determination of the Number of New Investment Units to be Issued
17:00 6367 ダイキン工業(株) [Delayed] Brief Report on the Settlement of Accounts (Consolidated) for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2023 (J-GAAP)
17:00 3656 KLab(株) Notice Concerning Partial Revision to the Financial Results for FY2023 (Japanese GAAP) (Consolidated)
17:00 4188 三菱ケミカルグループ(株) Notice Regarding Change (Appointed) of Representative Corporate Executive Officer
16:45 9621 (株)建設技術研究所 Status of Internal Investigation into Inappropriate Cost Management
16:45 9621 (株)建設技術研究所 Notice of Policy to Hold an Adjournment of the 61st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Appropriation of Surplus
16:45 9621 (株)建設技術研究所 Notice of Changes in Directors and Executive Officers
16:45 6999 KOA(株) [Delayed] Corporate Governance Report (as of December 21, 2023)
16:30 8233 (株)高島屋 Notice on Change of Representative Director (Resignation)
16:30 4180 Appier Group Notice Regarding Appointments of the Candidates for the Director
16:30 3282 コンフォリア・レジデンシャル投資法人 Notice Concerning Borrowing of Funds and Repayment of Loans
16:00 2768 双日(株) Notice Regarding Share Repurchase of Treasury Stock
16:00 3489 (株)フェイスネットワーク [Delayed][Summary]Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2023
16:00 5838 楽天銀行 Notice of Implementation of Shareholder Benefit Program
16:00 3382 (株)セブン&アイ・ホールディングス Notice regarding Cancellation of Treasury Stock
16:00 4726 SBテクノロジー(株) [Delayed]Third Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2024 (FY2023) Results of Operations
16:00 4726 SBテクノロジー(株) [Delayed]Consolidated Financial Report for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2024
16:00 6724 セイコーエプソン(株) Epson Announces Changes of Representative Director and Executive Personnel
15:40 6269 三井海洋開発(株) Management Change - Executive Officers
15:30 8958 グローバル・ワン不動産投資法人 GOR Announces Relocation of the Head Offices of GOR and GAR
15:30 5310 東洋炭素(株) Announcement Concerning Changes of Directors and Executive Officers
15:30 8572 アコム(株) 85th Issuance of Domestic Unsecured Straight Bonds
15:30 8715 アニコム ホールディングス(株) Monthly Management Parameters, January 2024
15:30 4372 ユミルリンク (Correction)Notice Concerning the Partial Corrections of the Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2023
15:30 8984 大和ハウスリート投資法人 Notice Concerning Debt Financing (Including Green Loan)
15:30 8984 大和ハウスリート投資法人 Notice Concerning Acquisition of Trust Beneficiary Interests in Domestic Real Estate
15:30 8984 大和ハウスリート投資法人 Notice Concerning Revision to Forecast of Results for the Fiscal Period Ending August 31, 2024
15:30 8984 大和ハウスリート投資法人 Supplementary Material for Press Releases Announced Today
15:30 8818 京阪神ビルディング(株) Notice Concerning Changes of Officers
15:30 5938 (株)LIXIL Notice of Dissolution and Occurrence of Loss of Consolidated Subsidiary (Decorative Panels International, Inc.)
15:30 4819 (株)デジタルガレージ Notice of Organizational Changes and Corporate Officer Appointments
15:30 4819 (株)デジタルガレージ Notice Concerning Revision of Dividend Forecast
15:10 2391 (株)プラネット Summary of Financial Results for the second quarter 2024
15:00 5933 アルインコ(株) [Delayed]Supplementary Materials for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 20, 2024
15:00 4911 (株)資生堂 Notice of Withdrawal of Nomination for External Director
15:00 6087 (株)アビスト 【Delayed】Financial Results for the First Three Months of the Fiscal Year Ending September 30,2024 under Japanese GAAP (Non-Consolidated)
15:00 3468 スターアジア不動産投資法人 Notice Concerning Debt Financing (Refinancing)
15:00 7172 (株)ジャパンインベストメントアドバイザー Notice of the selection of candidates for Directors and substitute Statutory Audit & Supervisory Board Member
15:00 7172 (株)ジャパンインベストメントアドバイザー Notice of Payment of Dividends
15:00 4883 モダリス Announcement on Reduction in Amounts of Stated Capital and Capital Reserves and Appropriation of Other Capital Surplus
15:00 3649 (株)ファインデックス Notice of Meeting the Continued Listing Criteria of the Prime Market Segment
15:00 4165 プレイド Announcement regarding Issuance of New Shares as Restricted Stock to Executives and Employees
15:00 5301 東海カーボン(株) Notice regarding Issuance of Unsecured Straight Bonds
15:00 2154 (株)オープンアップグループ Notice of Monthly Disclosure of Utilization Rates and January of Domestic Engineers and Workers as of the end of January 2024
15:00 2127 (株)日本M&Aセンターホールディングス Notice regarding Completion of Share Repurchase
15:00 6592 マブチモーター(株) [Updated]Partial Correction to "CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2023 (J-GAAP)"