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本日の開示情報 (25/03/14 18:45現在)

時刻 コード 企業名 開示タイトル
18:40 2317 (株)システナ [Delayed] Corporate Governance Report
17:00 4323 日本システム技術(株) 【Delayed】Launch of Disease/Injury and Drug Use Statistics Dashboard Service Using Medical Big Data
16:00 9090 AZ-COM丸和ホールディングス(株) [Delayed]Notice Regarding Submission of Responses to “the List of Inquiries” from Chilled & Frozen Logistics Holdings Co., Ltd. (Code: 9099)
16:00 3387 (株)クリエイト・レストランツ・ホールディングス Notice of Dividend Payment from Retained Earnings (Year-end Dividend)
15:30 4169 ENECHANGE Preliminary results for FY24 Q1 performance for public EV charging ports (destination charging)
15:30 4169 ENECHANGE Notice Regarding the Sale of Our Shares by Our CEO
15:30 9757 (株)船井総研ホールディングス Notice Regarding Allocation of Stock Options for Stock-linked Compensation
15:30 4478 フリー Announcement Regarding Making freee Sign Inc. a Wholly-owned Subsidiary Through Simplified Share Exchange with Stock Consideration
15:25 7201 日産自動車(株) Revision of Fiscal Year 2023 Financial Forecast
15:00 6197 (株)ソラスト Monthly Status of Elderly Care Business on March 2024
15:00 8954 オリックス不動産投資法人 OJR Announces Differences between Forecast and Actual Operating Revenues for FP24/02 and Revision of Distribution Forecast for FP24/08
15:00 4434 サーバーワークス [Delayed]FY02/24 Financial Summary
15:00 3222 ユナイテッド・スーパーマーケット・ホールディングス(株) [Delayed]Notices Regarding Execution of a Share Exchange Agreement to Make Inageya a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of United Super Markets Holdings
15:00 8593 三菱HCキャピタル(株) Notice Concerning Change of Exective Officer
15:00 4985 アース製薬(株) Notice Concerning Completion of Payment for Issuance of New Shares as Remuneration for Restricted Stock
15:00 9416 (株)ビジョン Grand opening of "Glade Park Shibuya," a rental space with a capacity of up to 350 people, on May 10
15:00 3983 (株)オロ Notice Relating to Completion of Payment for Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
15:00 3994 (株)マネーフォワード Notice Regarding Completion of Payment for New Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
15:00 7685 BuySell Technologies Notice Concerning Completion of Payment for Issuance of New Shares as Remuneration for Restricted Stock
15:00 8593 三菱HCキャピタル(株) Notification Concerning Application for Delisting of Shares from the Nagoya Stock Exchange
15:00 2914 JT Notice Regarding Completion of Payment for Disposal of Treasury Shares Towards Restricted Stock Remuneration and Performance Share Units
15:00 5301 東海カーボン(株) Notice Concerning Completion of Payment for the Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Remuneration
15:00 4922 (株)コーセー Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares for Restricted Stock Compensation
13:40 8182 (株)いなげや (Delayed)Notice on Abolition of Shareholder Benefit Program
13:40 8182 (株)いなげや (Delayed)Notices Regarding Execution of a Share Exchange Agreement to Make Inageya a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of U.S.M.H
13:40 8182 (株)いなげや (Delayed)Notice Regarding 100% Acquisition of Welpark by Welcia HD Changes in Subsidiary at Inageya(share transfer)
13:30 8804 東京建物(株) Announcement on Determination of Issuance Conditions of Sustainability Bonds Aimed at Retail Investors
13:00 4401 (株)ADEKA Notice of Introduction of Employee Stock Benefit Trust(J-ESOP)
13:00 3608 (株)TSIホールディングス [Delayed]Results Briefing: FY Ending Feb. 2024
13:00 4396 (株)システムサポートホールディングス Notice of Acquisition of Businesses by Consolidated Subsidiary
12:00 2607 不二製油グループ本社(株) Notice regarding Determination of Issuance Condition for Subordinated Hybrid Bonds
11:15 8267 イオン(株) [Delayed]Notices of Share Exchange and Business Integration: United Supermarket Holdings Inc.'s Subsidiary Changes
11:15 8267 イオン(株) [Delayed]Notice of Acquisition, Subsidiary Changes, and Special Dividend Receipt by Welcia Holdings Co., Ltd.
11:00 9984 ソフトバンクグループ(株) Issue of Unsecured Straight Corporate Bonds
11:00 4431 スマレジ [Delayed]Notice regarding business transfer
11:00 8194 (株)ライフコーポレーション [Delayed]Financial Results and Reference Documents for the Fiscal Year Ended February 29,2024
11:00 8194 (株)ライフコーポレーション [Delayed]Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended February 29,2024(under Japanese GAAP)
10:10 9064 ヤマトホールディングス(株) Corporate Governance Report
09:30 5970 (株)ジーテクト License Agreement for Ablation Technology Signed Between ArcelorMittal and G-TEKT
08:00 4502 武田薬品工業(株) U.S. FDA Approves Subcutaneous Administration of Takeda’s ENTYVIO for Maintenance Therapy in Moderately to Severely Active Crohn’s Disease