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本日の開示情報 (24/05/19 11:29現在)

時刻 コード 企業名 開示タイトル
17:00 3468 スターアジア不動産投資法人 Determination of Prices and Other Conditions with Regard to Issuance of New Investment Units and Secondary Offering of Investment Units
17:00 9024 (株)西武ホールディングス Seibu Group to Commence Point Award Service under "SEIBU PRINCE CLUB emi" Membership Program for Foreign Visitors to Japan Starting February 1st
15:00 7718 スター精密(株) Notice Regarding Status and Completion of Repurchase of Own Shares
15:00 2914 JT Notice Concerning Amendments to Earnings Forecasts of JT's Subsidiary
14:30 8031 三井物産(株) Changes of Directors and Executive Officers
11:00 6479 ミネベアミツミ(株) The World's Smallest Fidget Spinner with the World's Smallest Outer Diameter Ball Bearing of 1.5mm was Accredited by GUINESS WORLD RECORDS
11:00 6479 ミネベアミツミ(株) MinebeaMitsumi and Mitsubishi Precision Achieved a GUINESS WORLD RECORDS title for the Longest duration spinning a fidget spinner on one finger