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本日の開示情報 (24/09/21 12:24現在)

時刻 コード 企業名 開示タイトル
17:00 8002 丸紅(株) Notice Regarding Share Repurchases through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3)
16:00 8616 東海東京フィナンシャル・ホールディングス(株) [Delayed] Re: Notice of Absorption type Merger between Consolidated Subsidiaries (Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., Ltd. and TT Solution Inc.)
16:00 7725 (株)インターアクション 【Delayed】Q&A for the Financial Results Briefing for the 3Q of the Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2024 (Excerpts)
16:00 7725 (株)インターアクション 【Delayed】Materials for the Financial Results Briefing for the 3Q of the Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2024
16:00 3309 積水ハウス・リート投資法人 Partial Correction of the Financial Report for the Fiscal Period Ended October 31, 2023
16:00 8133 伊藤忠エネクス(株) [Delayed]Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024
15:30 6269 三井海洋開発(株) GHG Emissions quantification project completed at FPSOs in Brazil - A first by Japanese Companies -
15:30 4151 協和キリン Notice Regarding the Status of Acquisition of Own Shares
15:15 8002 丸紅(株) Notice Regarding Share Repurchases and Cancellation of Treasury Stock
15:15 8002 丸紅(株) Notice Regarding the Recording of Extraordinary Losses in the Non-Consolidated Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ended March 2024
15:15 8002 丸紅(株) Notice Regarding Revision of the Dividend Forecast
15:15 8002 丸紅(株) Summary of Consolidated Financial Results For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024 (IFRS basis)
15:15 5563 新日本電工(株) (Corrections) Notice Concerning Issuance of New Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
15:05 2670 (株)エービーシー・マート Monthly Sales Report for April 2024, FY 2025
15:00 8604 野村ホールディングス(株) Consolidated results of operations, fourth quarter, year ended March 2024 (US GAAP)
15:00 2685 (株)アダストリア Monthly Sales Figures
15:00 3086 J.フロント リテイリング(株) [Updated] Notice Regarding Revision to J. Front Retailing Consolidated Revenue Report March 2024 (IFRS)
15:00 3696 (株)セレス Notice of Revision to Consolidated Financial Results Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2024
15:00 5019 出光興産(株) Announcement on the Status of the Acquisition of Treasury Shares
15:00 7606 (株)ユナイテッドアローズ Monthly Sales Report for April 2024, FY 2025
15:00 6028 テクノプロ・ホールディングス(株) Notice Regarding Status of Share Repurchase
15:00 7167 (株)めぶきフィナンシャルグループ [Updated]Notice regarding of corrections to Capital Adequacy Ratio for the Third Quarter of FY2023 ending March 31, 2024
15:00 9201 日本航空(株) Consolidated Financial Results for the year Ended March 31,2024[IFRS]
15:00 8058 三菱商事(株) Notice Regarding Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
15:00 6479 ミネベアミツミ(株) Announcement of Acquisition of All Shares of Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device, Ltd. and Acquisition of Business
14:40 6325 (株)タカキタ [Delayed]Summary of Non-Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2024(Based on Japanese GAAP)
14:15 8053 住友商事(株) Notice of Impairment Loss
14:15 8053 住友商事(株) Notice Concerning the New Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2024-FY2026)
14:15 8053 住友商事(株) Notice Regarding Share Repurchases and Cancellation of Treasury Stock
14:15 8053 住友商事(株) Consolidated Financial Results FY2023 (Year ended March 31, 2024)
14:00 8566 リコーリース(株) Fiscal Year Ended March 2024(FY2023) Financial Highlights
14:00 8566 リコーリース(株) Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2024 (Based on Japanese GAAP)
13:30 9682 (株)DTS (Corrections)Notice Concerning the Status of Repurchase of Own Shares
13:00 7381 (株)北國フィナンシャルホールディングス 【Delayed】Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31,2024(Based on Japanese GAAP)
13:00 8058 三菱商事(株) Notice Concerning Differences between Non-Consolidated Actual Results for the Fiscal Years Ended March 31, 2023 and 2024
12:31 4772 ストリームメディアコーポレーション FY2024 Q1 Financial Results
12:00 1890 東洋建設(株) [Delayed]Notice Regarding Borrowing of Funds through a Green Loan
12:00 9381 (株)エーアイテイー [Delayed]Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended February 29,2024[Japanese GAAP]
12:00 2296 伊藤ハム米久ホールディングス(株) Financial Results for FY2023(Ended March 31, 2024)
12:00 2296 伊藤ハム米久ホールディングス(株) Notice regarding the formulation of Long-Term Management Strategy and Medium-Term Management Plan
12:00 2296 伊藤ハム米久ホールディングス(株) Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024 (Japanese Accounting Standards)
11:00 5659 日本精線(株) [Delayed] Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2024 (Based on Japanese GAAP)
10:00 1982 日比谷総合設備(株) (Delayed) (Corrections) Partial Corrections to the “Notice Regarding the Status of the Repurchase of Treasury Shares”
00:30 4931 新日本製薬 [Delayed]Shinnihonseiyaku Sustainability Report2023