2024-12-20 00:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
変更報告書(特例対象株券等) |
2024-12-12 15:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
[Delayed]Corporate Governance Report |
2024-11-29 12:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
[Delayed](Progress of Disclosed Matter) Notice of Misconduct by a consolidated Subsidiary of the Company |
2024-11-25 15:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Notice Regarding the Transfer of Turf Care Machinery Business of IHI Agri-Tech Corporation |
2024-11-25 15:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
株式会社IHIアグリテックの芝草・芝生管理機器事業の譲渡に関するお知らせ |
2024-11-08 00:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
半期報告書-第208期(2024/04/01-2025/03/31) |
2024-11-07 17:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
(Corrections) Notice Regarding the Disciplinary Actions for Officers related to Misconducts by IHI's Consolidated Subsidiaries |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Financial Results for Second Quarter FY2024 (IFRS) (for the year ended March 31, 2025) |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Notice Regarding the Recording of Financial Costs (Foreign Exchange Losses) |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Notice Regarding the Disciplinary Actions for Officers related to Misconducts by IHI's Consolidated Subsidiaries |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Notice Regarding the Transfer of Materials Handling System Business of IHI Transport Machinery Co. LTD |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Notice Regarding Revisions to the Forecast of Full-Year Consolidated Results and Year-End Dividend for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2025 |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Management Briefing for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2024 |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
金融費用(為替差損)の計上に関するお知らせ |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
当社連結子会社における一連の不適切行為に関する役員の処分について |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
IHI運搬機械株式会社の運搬システム事業の譲渡に関するお知らせ |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
2025年3月期 通期連結業績予想および期末配当予想の修正に関するお知らせ |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
2024年度 第2四半期決算説明会 経営概況 |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
2024年度 (2025年3月期)第2四半期(中間期)決算説明資料(IFRS) |
2024-11-06 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
2025年3月期 第2四半期(中間期)決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結) |
2024-10-31 13:52
7013 |
(株)IHI |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2024/10/31 |
2024-10-30 13:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
(開示事項の経過)当社連結子会社における不適切行為について |
2024-10-28 16:30
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Notice Regarding the Transfer of Shares of IHI PACKAGED BOILER CO., LTD. |
2024-10-28 16:30
7013 |
(株)IHI |
株式会社IHI汎用ボイラの株式の譲渡に関するお知らせ |
2024-10-22 00:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
大量保有報告書(特例対象株券等) |
2024-10-02 00:30
7013 |
(株)IHI |
IHI Integrated Report 2024 |
2024-10-02 00:30
7013 |
(株)IHI |
IHI 統合報告書 2024 |
2024-09-26 17:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Notice Regarding the Determination of Policy Regarding Dissolution of Overseas Consolidated Subsidiary |
2024-09-26 17:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
海外連結子会社の解散に向けた方針の決議に関するお知らせ |
2024-08-26 15:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
[Delayed] (Progress of Disclosed Matter) Notice of Misconduct by a consolidated Subsidiary of the Company |
2024-08-21 16:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
(開示事項の経過)当社連結子会社における不適切行為について |
2024-08-19 00:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
大量保有報告書(特例対象株券等) |
2024-08-09 15:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
[Delayed]Notice of Misconduct by IHI’s Consolidated Subsidiary Niigata Transys Co., Ltd. |
2024-08-06 15:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Consolidated Financial Report For The Three Months Ended June 30, 2024 (IFRS) |
2024-08-06 15:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Financial Results for First Quarter FY2024 (IFRS) (for the year ended March 31, 2025) |
2024-08-06 15:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
2024年度 (2025年3月期)第1四半期決算説明資料(IFRS) |
2024-08-06 15:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
2025年3月期 第1四半期決算短信〔IFRS〕(連結) |
2024-07-31 14:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
当社連結子会社 新潟トランシス株式会社における不適切行為について |
2024-07-16 00:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
訂正臨時報告書 |
2024-06-28 11:26
7013 |
(株)IHI |
コーポレート・ガバナンスに関する報告書 2024/06/28 |
2024-06-27 00:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
臨時報告書 |
2024-06-26 00:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
内部統制報告書-第207期(2023/04/01-2024/03/31) |
2024-06-26 00:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
有価証券報告書-第207期(2023/04/01-2024/03/31) |
2024-06-11 17:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
独立役員届出書 |
2024-06-07 16:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
[Delayed](Progress of Disclosed Matter)Notice of Misconduct by a consolidated Subsidiary of the Company |
2024-06-07 00:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
変更報告書(特例対象株券等) |
2024-06-05 08:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
Our Opinion on the Proxy Advisory Reports by ISS |
2024-06-05 08:00
7013 |
(株)IHI |
ISS社の議決権行使助言に対する当社見解について |
2024-06-04 16:30
7013 |
(株)IHI |
(開示事項の経過)当社連結子会社における不適切行為について |