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本日の開示情報 (24/09/19 10:07現在)

時刻 コード 企業名 開示タイトル
17:00 6676 (株)メルコホールディングス [Delayed](Revised edition) Q&A-format Explanation Regarding Dividends in Kind of Subsidiary and Change of Specified Subsidiaries
17:00 6676 (株)メルコホールディングス [Delayed]Q&A-format Explanation Regarding Dividends in Kind of Subsidiary Shares(Share-Distribution-Type Spin-off)and Change of Specified Subsidiaries
17:00 6200 (株)インソース Notice: Personnel Change
17:00 4443 Sansan Notification Regarding Issuance of Tax-Qualified Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights) with Stock Price Condition to Employees of the Company
16:30 8616 東海東京フィナンシャル・ホールディングス(株) Re: Finalized Details of Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights as Stock Options
16:30 3269 アドバンス・レジデンス投資法人 Advance Residence Investment Corporation 28th Fiscal Results Summary
16:30 3269 アドバンス・レジデンス投資法人 Summary of Financial Results (REIT) for the Fiscal Period Ended July 31, 2024
16:30 7148 (株)FPG Notice Regarding Establishment of New Sales Office
16:00 4368 扶桑化学工業(株) Notice Regarding Change in Dividends Policy and Revision of Dividends Forecast
16:00 8964 フロンティア不動産投資法人 Notice Concerning Execution and Repayment of Long-term Borrowing
15:30 3471 三井不動産ロジスティクスパーク投資法人 Financial Results for the Fiscal Period Ended July 31, 2024 (REIT)
15:30 8233 (株)高島屋 Takashimaya monthly sales report Aug.2024
15:30 3462 野村不動産マスターファンド投資法人 Notice Concerning Acquisition of Trust Beneficial Interest in Domestic Real Estate
15:30 3282 コンフォリア・レジデンシャル投資法人 Financial Results for the Fiscal Period Ended July 31, 2024
15:30 4382 HEROZ株式会社 [Delayed]Presentation_Material_for_FY04_2025_Q1
15:30 4626 太陽ホールディングス(株) Notice Regarding Personnel Changes
15:30 4626 太陽ホールディングス(株) Notice Regarding an Additional Financial Contribution to the ESOP Trust
15:15 3463 いちごホテルリート投資法人 Proposed Amendments to Articles of Incorporation, Director Candidates, Director Compensation, & Independent Auditor Candidate for Shareholder Approval
15:15 3463 いちごホテルリート投資法人 Shareholder Hotel Discount Program Update
15:15 3463 いちごホテルリート投資法人 Earnings Forecast Revision for the January 2025 Fiscal Period
15:15 3463 いちごホテルリート投資法人 Ichigo Hotel July 2024 Fiscal Period Corporate Presentation
15:15 3463 いちごホテルリート投資法人 July 2024 Fiscal Period Earnings
15:00 4592 サンバイオ(株) Notice Concerning Recording of Non-operating Income and Deferred Income Taxes
15:00 4592 サンバイオ(株) Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended July 31, 2024 [Japanese GAAP]
15:00 6740 (株)ジャパンディスプレイ LumiFree Wins IEIJ Advanced Lighting Technology Award
15:00 5136 tripla FY2024 3Q Financial Results
15:00 8174 日本瓦斯(株) Notice of Organizational and Personnel Changes, etc.
15:00 3086 J.フロント リテイリング(株) J. Front Retailing Consolidated Revenue Report August 2024 (IFRS)
15:00 7840 フランスベッドホールディングス(株) [Delayed]Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended June 30, 2024(Under Japanese GAAP)
15:00 3493 伊藤忠アドバンス・ロジスティクス投資法人 投資証券 Notice Concerning Conclusion of Lease Agreement (i Missions Park Moriya 2)
15:00 8242 エイチ・ツー・オー リテイリング(株) Monthly Sales Summary(Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2025)
15:00 8242 エイチ・ツー・オー リテイリング(株) Monthly Sales Report August, 2024
15:00 3843 フリービット(株) 〔Delayed〕Consolidated Financial Results for the First Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2025
15:00 6058 (株)ベクトル Notice of Merger Between Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
15:00 6058 (株)ベクトル Notice of Acquisition of Shares and Merger of Consolidated Subsidiary, Making It a Wholly Owned Subsidiary, and Debt Forgiveness
15:00 9284 カナディアン・ソーラー・インフラ投資法人 Notice Concerning the Conclusion of Specific Wholesale Contract
15:00 9284 カナディアン・ソーラー・インフラ投資法人 Notice concerning the Impact of the Temporary Output Curtailment (August 2024)
15:00 8954 オリックス不動産投資法人 ORIX JREIT Announces New Debt Financing
15:00 7550 (株)ゼンショーホールディングス Notice of Fundraising Through Subordinated Loan
15:00 3632 グリー(株) Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholders,etc.
15:00 3632 グリー(株) Notice Concerning Compliance with the Continued Listing Criteria of the Prime Market
15:00 3482 ロードスターキャピタル(株) Notice of Sale of Real Estate
15:00 4901 富士フイルムホールディングス(株) Notice of Completion of Payment for Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Share-Based Remuneration
15:00 7246 プレス工業(株) Notice Concerning Personnel Changes
15:00 5186 ニッタ(株) Notice Concerning the Completion of Retirement of Treasury Shares
14:30 6200 (株)インソース Notice:Insource Announces Opening of Takasaki Office in Gunma
13:00 6194 (株)アトラエ Notice Regarding the Revision of Dividend Forecast (Dividend Increase) for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2024
13:00 6194 (株)アトラエ Notice Regarding the Revision of Full-Year Consolidated Financial Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2024
12:30 4883 モダリス DMPK Patent Granted in Japan
12:00 3237 (株)イントランス Notice Regarding the commencement of system linkage with TL-Lincoln for Tourist Sending Business